corowa howlong history group
mechanics institute

joseph hawdon monument
mechanics institute
hawkins street 100 years ago
howlong honour roll
parks & common
St Thomas
howlong resource centre

Memorial Park

After The Great War of 1914-1918 communities across Australia built war memorials to honour the memory of those who served Australia and never returned to their birthplace.

The Howlong Memorial Park is but one memorial from the 3,000 war memorials in New South Wales.

All the original ANZACs have now passed on, and it is our duty, as Howlong residents, to enlighten our children of the sacrifices many earlier Howlong residents gave to make Australia what it is today.

Lowe's Square Cenotaph.

ww1 honour roll
Howlong people serving in WWII currently being compiled
Please contact Howlong RSL sub-Branch and Brockelsby Chapter.

Site design by: iwishihad
Site errors, suggestions, comment, contact: admin

hosts Howlong History in Australia.
Howlong links: visithowlong howlonggrapevine